Why Your Dog Gets The Zoomies (And How To Deal With Them)

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Why Your Dog Gets The Zoomies (And How To Deal With Them)

As a dog parent, you’re likely already well-versed in dog language and behavior—when it comes to your favorite buddy, that is. Unfortunately, there is one activity that never seems to make sense. They almost always end up darting around in circles, only to run around after as is being chased. Such instances are known as the zoomies, which often occur after dogs are being presented with favorite treats, preparing for a walk, or getting out of the bath. 

In scientific terms, zoomies are behaviors called Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs). These are essentially random bursts of energy, where a dog resorts to running and moving about with more enthusiasm than their usual, which can be overwhelming on your end.

It’s important to note that zoomies are almost always natural, and should not be a cause for alarm—unless they end up hurting themselves. Thankfully, there are measures you can take to ensure that your dog goes through fewer zoomies sessions. Here’s a quick and easy guide to follow:

What do you properly deal with zoomies?

Zoomies come with warning signs, but they’re not always noticeable. Your dog may end up with a certain glint in its eyes, preparing to pounce on you and other dogs. They’ll end up running quickly and in circles until they fall down, only to get back up to run around once more. So—what can you do?

1 – Engage them with more exercise

Exercise is an important part of dog healthcare. Providing them with the appropriate exercise ensures that they stay away from various health problems, including behavioral ones. More often than not, too many instances of zoomies could mean they need more physical activity. 

While bursts of energy are deemed normal, it’s important to understand that your dog may need more outlet for its energy levels. Consider scheduling various exercise activities throughout the day, which should include long walks. 

2 – Never join the zooming 

Zoomies are rather amusing to look at and more often than not, undeniably fun to join in. You may find it a good idea to play along with your dogs, but this isn’t always advisable. Even the most well-trained dog may end up forgetting what’s wrong, particularly when it comes to young pups. 

They may end succumbing to impulses, thereby hurting you unintentionally. Be it a big bite or a rather nasty scratch, it’s best to simply stay away. 

3 – Offer them mentally stimulating activities 

Unfortunately, too many cases of zoomies can also mean that your dog requires more mental stimulation. This is particularly crucial if you’re not always at home, as dogs need constant attention and entertainment. 

Make sure to create a rich and stimulating environment, one where they can explore and engage with various items. Think hidden food in their favorite toys and other fun, interactive items. Keep their brain gears working!

The Bottom Line

As previously mentioned, zoomies exhibited by your dog shouldn’t be a cause for concern. They’re often normal, but it’s best to look for ways to keep them well-stimulated. Create an environment of fun and playfulness, and should they still get zoomies, make sure they’re in a safe place!

If you wish to learn more about dog training, we’ve got you covered. We are one of the best dog training blogs out there, dedicated to helping you bond better with your favorite friend. Browse through the rest of our articles today!

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