If you own a puppy, then you immediately look up to them as your best friend. You spend most of your time with them, showering them with treats, attention, and unconditional love. As they grow older, they start showing unnecessary behavior that can sometimes be too hard to control!
Dogs tend to do things on their terms, learning to find their way in the world as part of growing up. In the beginning, they will chew everything they see, make a mess of your house, and will give you a hard time trying to catch their attention.
But you shouldn’t give up training them because it’s all part of having a dog! Instead, it would be best to begin your puppy’s obedience training and teach them a few commands to improve your relationship with your dog and maintain their safety. Keep reading below to find out the typical dog behavior you can expect to encounter and how to stop them.
Your Dog Always Tends to Jump on People
Dogs that are always excited tend to jump on people to try and catch their attention and receive their affection. It usually happens when you come home to your dog, and you’re all excited that your dog ends up responding to your excitement in their own way by leaping onto you.
To prevent unnecessary jumping from happening, you need to learn how to train your dog properly. First, you arrive home and skip the grand entrance by luring them with a treat to keep your puppy calm. You should direct the food to their nose until they notice it and stop jumping, with your dog’s attention now focused on the treat in your hand. Once you lead your dog to the sitting position, you can reward them with the treat and praise your puppy gently for doing a good job.
Another thing to try is showing your dog who’s the master whenever they jump on you. You can take up their space by walking a few steps towards them while they’re in motion. The moment your dog stops and stays on the ground, lead them into a sitting position with a treat in hand, give it to them, and praise them quietly for it.
Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety
Similar to humans, dogs are capable of feeling separation anxiety too. The separation anxiety you think your dog has may be just anxiety from having unreleased energy. If they don’t always get the opportunity to exercise outdoors and are locked in your house most of the time, it’s possible that your dog needs to be taken on more walks.
For best results, make time to walk your dog twice a day until it’s instilled in your daily routine. All dogs require to be exercised, or else they will feel anxious and act out—eventually releasing their destructive behavior if left unattended!
If you have no choice but to leave your dog home for a short while, you shouldn’t make a big deal about your departure and arrival to reduce the chances of developing separation anxiety. Learn to ignore your dog a few minutes before you depart and after you get home to remove the emphasis and calm your dog.
Your Dog Doesn’t Listen to You When Called
Calling your dog by their name and having them obediently come to you each time is an essential puppy training command you need to teach. It’s a safety issue that they should come immediately when called—or else your puppy can end up hurting themselves from the distractions around them.
You should start their training at an early age. Remember never to chase your puppy around the house, as they will eventually grow bigger and get used to running circles to get your attention! You can use a leash instead and let your puppy drag it along with them. Each time you call them, you can stop what they’re doing by stepping on the end of the line with a treat in hand.
More often than not, dogs will listen to you so long as they have a reward coming for them. You can use your puppy’s food to lure them to follow your command and come to you when calling their name by letting your dog earn their keep. You can give them treats each time they respond to you correctly, and it won’t be long until they perfect the command of coming when called.
Dog obedience training will require a lot of time and patience. It’s necessary to remain determined to learn how to train your puppy at an early age to improve your chances of controlling their destructive behavior and witnessing them become well-behaved as time progresses. If they tend to jump on you, have separation anxiety, and won’t come when called, you can try out the tips above until your dog gets the hang of it and starts obeying your every command!
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