4 Useful Tips to Prepare Your Dog This Holiday Season

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4 Useful Tips to Prepare Your Dog This Holiday Season

With the holiday season upon us, a fresh bout of festivities are just around the corner. The end of the year comes with nonstop celebrations—Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s. With all the hustle and bustle of these festivities, it can be easy to lose track of your dog’s comfort and behavior.

Celebrations often come with loud noises, new people, and unfamiliar smells. All of this can get quite overwhelming for your dog really quickly. It’s important to prepare your dog (and yourself!) for the worst-case scenario. 

Here are some tips you can follow to help your dog adjust to the holiday season.

1. Find the Right Supplies

Good supplies can take you a long way. Before you attend to your holiday to-do list, make sure you stock up on what your dog will need to keep them content and entertained. Guarantee that there is enough food to go around, and have treats to reward your pet for their good behavior.

One sure-fire way to keep your dog occupied when you are busy entertaining guests or attending to the festivities is by leaving them with chews. You can even use food-dispensing toys to hold their attention for a long period.

2. Take Note of Your Dog’s Behavior

During the holidays, take time to observe your dog’s behavior. Depending on their personality, they might adapt to certain situations differently. For instance, some are flexible when it comes to change, while others prefer having a routine.

Some dogs can act well around new people, while others tend to be anxious. Some might even feel uncomfortable around handsy and boisterous children. Consider these when you make plans for the holidays.

The better prepared you are for any situation, the more your dog will appreciate it and avoid making a fuss.

3. Get Them Used to a Routine

The best way to prepare your dog for any unexpected scenario is by sticking as close to your usual routine as possible. Don’t forget to follow your pet’s regular meal times, potty breaks, and exercise routines.

Besides that, plan early, so you get things done before any of your holiday guests arrive or before you have to prepare for meals. A little exercise here and there should help manage your dog’s energy levels, allowing them to feel calmer.

4. Be Quick to Take Control of the Situation

No matter how many tips you take into account, nothing can quite prepare your dog for any unexpected change coming this holiday season. Whatever the situation, you need to be ready to manage and calm your dog down.

During the height of the festivities, make sure that your dog is getting enough breaks from all the commotion. It’s a great way to keep them calm and ensure they are safe and sound. 


When it comes to your pet, comfort is of the utmost importance. As the holiday season approaches, you have to prepare them in every sense to avoid any issues in the future. With the right planning, you and your dog can enjoy a peaceful holiday with your loved ones.

Find all the resources you need to train your dog with Dog Obedience Training. We are one of the best dog trainer blogs online, aiming to provide you with helpful information on dog obedience training. View our blog today to learn more! 

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