Learn The 5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems And Tips On What To Do About Them

Learn The 5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems And Tips On What To Do About Them

Learn The 5 Most Common Dog Behavior Problems And Tips On What To Do About Them

CaptPiper / Foter / CC BY-NC

A dog with behavior problems can easily drive even the most experienced dog owner crazy. Most dog owners want their dogs to be happy and healthy, and to exhibit the best behaviors. But even the most disciplined dog will once in a while demonstrate a dog behavior problem. This is because dogs are not moral–they do what they do to suit them, not because that thing is right or wrong. In order for you as a dog owner to have the best behaved dog, it is important that you learn to identify your dog’s behavior problems and how to effectively correct them. The following are the 5 most common dog behavior problems and what to do about them.

It is normal for a dog to bark once in a while, but when the dog barks excessively, or whines and howls without a reason, then that is considered a behavior problem. But before you try to correct this behavior problem it is important to find out the reason for the barking, howling, or whining. For example, a dog can bark to warn or alert you, seek attention, display anxiety, boredom, excitement, or out of a response to other dogs. Therefore, check out the reason why the dog is barking, if possible eliminate the reason for barking, teach the dog not to howl, and if the dog is seeking attention, don’t respond immediately as this will encourage the dog.

smallest puppy I have ever seen.
ClickFlashPhotos / Nicki Varkevisser / Foter / CC BY

Chewing is considered a natural act for all dogs. But this can be a behavioral problem if the dog causes destruction. Some dogs chew when teething (puppies), when bored, curious, or anxious. In order to address this problem, it is advisable to encourage your dog to chew on acceptable objects. Ensure that your personal items are kept away from your dog. You can also keep your dog crated when you are not at home. One correction technique is to use a sharp noise when you find your dog chewing on the wrong item.

would you believe... um... yeah...
j l t / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

Digging is also another common dog behavior problem that drives most dog owners mad. It is important to first understand that digging is a natural instinct in dogs, but of course this should also be controlled. There are some dog breeds that are prone to digging, for example the Terriers simply because of the hunting history they have. Some of the reasons why dogs dig include excess energy, anxiety, fear, seeking comfort, gaining access to something, or hiding possessions. It is important to find out the cause of the digging and then eliminate the source. You can also exercise your dog on a daily basis to help drain excessive energy, and you can also set aside an area where the dog will dig whenever need arises.

Inappropriate Urination or Defecation
This is among the most frustrating dog behavioral problems among dog owners. This behavior can damage your belongings, areas in your home, and it can also make your dog unwelcome in some areas. Dogs urinate as a way of marking territory, to seek attention, as a result of anxiety, or due to a lack of proper housebreaking. Train your dog where to defecate and where to urinate. You can also train your dog how to alert you whenever they feel like urinating or want to defecate; many people have success training their dog to ring a bell on the doorknob when they need to go outside.

You can also talk to your veterinarian about this problem, because sometimes health problems are the cause of unwanted urination.

pleeeeeeeze, mommy?
Darwin Bell / Foter / CC BY-NC

This is a very bad habit in dogs, which most dog owners unknowingly encourage. Dogs beg because they love food, but this should not be a reason to encourage this behavior. When encouraged, this behavioral problem can lead to obesity and digestive problems, not to mention the irritating behavior. It is hard to resist when a dog begs, especially with that longing look when the dog begs for food. But giving in is worse, as you will be encouraging this bad behavior. When you are about to eat, enforce your dog staying away from the table where he cannot stare at you. You can only let him eat when you have finished eating. Remember, in nature the leader of the pack eats first.

In summary, for you to deal with the above 5 most common dog behavior problems, it is important to find out the underlying causes of the problems before figuring out how to deal with the problems. Remember, dog training is very important for all dogs in order to have a happy co-existence with humans.

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