Barking is just one of the ways in which dogs communicate their needs and concerns. Other forms of communication involve howling, whining, growling, or barking. Although pet owners generally understand the need for this, constant barking can cause frustration for both the owner and the dog.
Luckily, there are many ways you can identify the sources of your dog’s barking and provide solutions. With behavior modification, you can work with your dog to cause less ruckus whenever certain situations arise.
Here are some of the different bark types and how you can find solutions.
1) Barking for Attention
This is the most common form of barking. It is a type of barking where the dog is trying to get the attention of a particular person or situation.
Identify if the attention is positive or negative. If your dog barks at the mail carrier because he wants to play, he’s expressing positive attention. If he barks at the mailman out of fear, he’s expressing negative attention.
When a dog barks for attention, whether it’s positive or negative, he will continue barking until his owner or someone else gives him attention.
Dogs bark for attention because they are bored, lonely, are looking for a play, or are intimidated.
2) Excited Barking
Dogs often bark when excited to see their owners return home, accept treats, play games, or simply when they’re excited about something in their environment. These types of barks are usually higher pitch and sporadic.
Be aware that excited barks can often be confused with aggression. Excited barks can also be mistaken for pain or fear.
To distinguish between excited barks and aggression, watch your dog’s body language. Excited barks are usually accompanied by tail wagging and body movement. If you see your dog’s body tensing and his tail is tucked, the barking is likely a sign of aggression.
If your dog barks out of fear, don’t let him see your fear or panic. Instead, recognize his fear and understand why he feels that way. Calmly reassure him. If you sense that your dog is aggressive, call the vet for advice.
3) Alert Barking
Dogs will also bark to alert their owners of something in their environment that may be dangerous, such as an intruder or sudden noise. This type of barking will be accompanied by body movement and tail wagging.
If you have a dog that barks excessively out of fear, you can try counterconditioning or desensitizing him to the things that make him feel put on edge.
You can also try to create a positive association with the object or sound. Give him treats and praise as you turn on the object or play the sound. Keep doing this until your dog is no longer bothered by the object or sound.
4) Barking for Protection
Dogs will bark out of aggression to protect their territory. They will also bark to protect their owner.
Keep in mind that your dog may not understand that you are the leader of the pack. You can train him with behavior modification to become more protective of you.
Dogs bark to communicate their needs and concerns. This can be a frustration to their owners. As a dog owner, you should know the different types of barks and how to recognize the underlying causes. By identifying the causes, you can take a proactive approach to manage your dog’s barking.
For more tips on caring for your furry friend, Dog Obedience Training Blogs is one of the best dog training blogs available. We provide helpful tips and tricks that will help you be more in sync with your beloved pet. Visit our website today!